fearthefool wrote in dis_acdmy_crack Feb 18, 2011 23:28
hipster ariel, destruction of your childhood, this is what happens at 4 am, this is awful, making you cry, mufasa does not approve, don't make me turn this comm around, cruel and unsual, kuzco has a level 7 wizard bitch, i think i just forced a meme, mickey shenanigans, fucking skanks, undisney-like, characters, jagerbombs, hitler won't like this, get it girl!, ohhh maiiiii, i went through the tags alphabetically, score she's legal, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, everything's funnier when sleep deprived, lol i dunno, zere iz no tagz for z
fearthefool wrote in dis_acdmy_crack Nov 19, 2010 23:20
this is why we can't have nice things, mickey shenanigans, probably gay, crack, kids films are full of smut, mufasa approves, i have never known the touch of a woman, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, subliminal messages
fearthefool wrote in dis_acdmy_crack Oct 01, 2010 23:46
mickey shenanigans, does this count as crack, spamming the crack comm, you're jealous, what is this i don't even, app my horse, hanky panky, i guess we should just mock, lol i dunno, zere iz no tagz for z
honor2usall wrote in dis_acdmy_crack Jun 03, 2010 22:08
we be trollin', mickey shenanigans, mufasa approves, hidan shenanigans
honor2usall wrote in dis_acdmy_crack Jun 03, 2010 02:55
we be trollin', mickey shenanigans, mufasa approves, what is this i don't even
honor2usall wrote in dis_acdmy_crack May 03, 2010 22:37
we be trollin', mickey shenanigans, rps again!?, mufasa approves, what is this i don't even, undisney-like, mufasa does not approve
notouchyllama wrote in dis_acdmy_crack Apr 29, 2010 23:53
we be trollin', mickey shenanigans, what is this i don't even, undisney-like, hanky panky, hidan shenanigans
honor2usall wrote in dis_acdmy_crack Apr 29, 2010 13:52
we be trollin', mickey shenanigans, what is this i don't even, undisney-like, hanky panky, ohhh maiiiii, hidan shenanigans